This special meeting was called to address the Light Up Dunwoody 2015 issues that had become public debate and a topic of local news outlets. Robert called the meeting to ensure the board was completely informed and aligned on the DHA’s position as well as review any missteps made by the DHA board or officers and how best to proceed.

The following board members were present: Robert Wittenstein, Bill Robinson, Pam Tallmadge, Sacey Harris, Jeff Rosen, Bob Barnwell, Adrienne Duncan, Joe Tuttle, Lindsay Ballow, Jim Maloney, Alan Mothner, Rick Callihan, Lisa Victory, Keely Sime, Greg Crnkovich and Jim Redovian. Pam Tallmadge spoke on the feasibility of alternate Light Up locations as well as moving the tree and Menorah. The general sentiment was there was miscommunication or misunderstanding among board members due to the many emails and public debate. Ultimately the discussion resulted in a motion and vote by the board as follows:

Bill Robinson suggested the DHA should re-approach the DPT to return to the status quo of the past two years with the tree and window Menorah on Farmhouse premises.

Bill offered this motion: “If the DPT is not willing to go back to the status quo, then we hold the event (LUD) at the Farmhouse with the tree and menorah as close as possible.”
