Don Boyken called the meeting to order at 7:30.
Johnny Panos, candidate for DeKalb State Court was introduced and literature was distributed.
Don Boyken thanked Dick Williams and the CRIER for all his help in getting out information.
Commissioner Elaine Boyer and Richard Stogner were recognized.
Timothy Preece of URS discussed the Marietta–Lawrenceville Study—light rail, bus lanes, etc. Study will be completed in November. ARC will decide whether this is a project they should fund.
Presentation for Brook Run use by athletes—Richard Stogner
A training center for Third World athletes will be built in DeKalb County. On an interim basis, they would like to use a facility at Brook Run to house about 3 or 4 coaches and 40 athletes until facility at Panthersville is built. This would not affect the long-range plans for Brook Run. He indicated that the master plan funds had been okayed. Nick Nicodemus asked that the athletes be housed in the front of the property. Elaine Boyer stated that she thought that we should know the buildings to be used and the time frame.
Mt. Vernon Zoning at Triangle— Linda Dunleavy
A proposal was shown for a 2-story office building of 16,000 square feet or less zoned OIT. Parking will on side or in back with some parking underneath. After discussion, a motion was made to agree not to oppose this if we get covenants instead of conditions and covenants comply with Overlay District. It was seconded and motion carried.
Peachtree Dunwoody Rd.--Roberts Properties—Tochie Blad
Sandy Springs Council of Neighborhoods has filed to appeal the decision made on this property. She asked for our support and financial help. Their attorney is not a Zoning Attorney. After discussion, motion was made to support their fight but before contributing funding or joining suit the executive committee must approve of their attorney. It was seconded and motion carried.
Report from Bob Lundsten
Signed easement agreement between Congregation Ariel and neighbors. All water will go underground.
New Jewish High School—gravel area was put in and cars are parking on that area. Bob is checking into this.
Petition is going around on Dartford concerning overflow parking from Zaban. Bob has spoken to Harry Stern and they will post no parking signs on streets during events.
Report from Fran Millar on Reservoir
Meeting of Steering Committee this Wednesday night.
SIGNAGE: Ken Wright
Large sign on Mt. Vernon at the Blue House--DeKalb Code Enforcement indicated that sign is on Fulton County property. Action—Ken was asked to check on the county this property is in.
High Cotton—Banner is still up. Action: Ask Bob Lundsten to check on this and other banners in shopping center.
Sidewalk in front of High Cotton—has pole in middle—sidewalks stops and starts again. Action: Ask Bob Lundsten to check on this.
Directional realty signs are illegal. Don would like to draft an e-mail letter to Homeowner Associations to help us remove these signs.
Ace Hardware—it is now illegal to have rooftop signs.
Dunkin Donuts—sign may be too high. Action: Ken was asked to check on this. Don will give name of person to contact.
Banners seem to be popping up everywhere. Ken would like help in interpreting guidelines on banners—are they legal or not. This needs to be covered in Overlay.
Deputy Program—Margot Cole says that 12 to 15 people are needed so class can form.
No report.
Joe Kane, Noah Byrd, and David Fowler are getting lists of subdivisions. Charlene reported that our database contains 120 subdivisions and we have information on 60. Hopefully this will be concluded by end of year.
Hopefully we are on track to get this approved by end of year or first of next year.
Still looking for a volunteer. Dick Williams stated that he would like to help in promoting this.
DHA award for local merchants—no report
Study is being done.
BROOK RUN: Nick Nicodemus
Nick indicated concern for wildlife at Brook Run.
CRIER has been running articles every month. September article is on Zoning. Bill thanked Dick Williams for the coverage he has given.
Church of Scientology—Church or training center. Action: Don Boyken will check on this.
Invitations have been sent for party on September 30. Everyone was asked to reply to invitation.
Joe Spann President of Vermack Womack Neighborhood Association was introduced.
Meeting was adjourned.