The DHA Board held its monthly meeting on September 11, 2005, Chip Franzoni presiding. The following issues were addressed:

1. Zoning/development:

  • Colin Lichtenstein & Associates requested DHA approval of adding 550 sq. ft. to their office building at 1729 Mt. Vernon Road. The architectural design will be similar to the existing building and in compliance with the Overlay District requirements. The Board voted in favor.
  • Bill Phillips reported that no response to DHA desire for black mast arm on poles at Mt. Vernon - Ashford-Dunwoody intersection. Awaiting design by Roy Ashley for garden in southeast corner of that intersection.
  • Bill Phillips reports little progress with BB&T regarding sidewalk improvements along Mt. Vernon to meet Overlay District code. Obstacles include underground cables and other utilities.
  • Andrea Borden, Director, described the purpose of Senior Connections, a nonprofit senior services agency in DeKalb County.
  • Dennis Crean reported that he is following a DeKalb County plan to add a left turn lane at Mt. Vernon - Vermack intersection. He was asked to include a left turn, southbound, right turn, northbound, at Chamblee-Dunwoody - Vermack Roads.

2. Celeste Webb will present the new web site information and the sign topper design at the next board meeting.

3. Bill Robinson reported that Stage Door Players have purchased new seating for their theater and are selling sponsorships for $150.00 per chair. Sponsors will have a plaque permanently installed on the seat and a list of sponsors will be included on all future playbills. DHA Board voted to sponsor two seats.

4. Bill Phillips reported that the DeKalb-Peachtree Airport master plan will be reviewed September 19.

5. Chip Franzoni reported that over 800 student evacuees from the gulf coast are currently enrolled in DeKalb County schools.

6. Nick Nicodemus reported that the Brook Run Children's Adventure Garden is scheduled to open in October 2005.
