Bill Grossman called meeting to order at 7:33pm.

Adrienne Duncan was introduced as a new board member.

Bill G acknowledged elected officials in attendance: Adrian Bonser, Doug Thompson, John Heneghan, Robert Wittenstein, and Nancy Jester.

Board approved minutes.

Gordon Jackson, Mike Davis, Bob Dallas, Lynn Deutsch, Kerry de Vallette, Terry Nall, Rick Callihan, Robert Wittenstein all identified themselves as candidates.

John Pruitt spoke on behalf of DHS girls lacrosse. The biggest challenge is a place to practice. The lower field at Peachtree Middle needs work in order to be a safe place to practice.

Kathy Zickert presented the site plan for a new Starbuck’s on Ashford Dunwoody. The site needs to be re-zoned from O&I to C-1 conditional.

Carl Westmoreland presented request for signage variance for The Tile Shop.

Terry Nall brought up the issue of proposed changes to Chapter 16 and 27.

There was a proposal for a second candidate forum. Decision was made to look into possibilities.

Park bond survey questions were discussed.

Bill Robinson made a motion to donate $1000 to DHS lacrosse. Allan Mothner seconded. All in favor, none opposed.

Rick Callihan made a motion to support the re-zoning and variance requests for Starbucks. Bill Balzer seconded. All in favor, none opposed.

Hewyard Wescott made a motion to approve the sign variance for The Tile Store. Susan Harper seconded. 20 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstained.
