Pres. Bill Grossman welcomes State Sen. Fran Millar and Dunwoody Councilor Doug Thompson.
- Approval of August minutes.
- Rezoning @ Barfield and Mt. Vernon (Sandy Springs): 300 Apartments. Presentation by attorney Jessica Hill and Chris Eachus from Crocker Development. High end apartments, catering to young professionals. 65 percent one bedroom, 35 percent two bedroom. This was originally intended for mixed use, but since office space is hard to lease, apartments are better use for owners at this point in time.
- Life Center Family Church requests a land use permit from Sandy Springs to allow a church owned franchise of Discovery Point daycare facility fronting the church property on Mt. Vernon. Local residents (10 neighborhoods) have concerns with the project for a variety of reasons, one being the daycare would cause the raising of an historic home, as well as traffic. The Dunwoody Preservation Trust is looking into the home. Neighbors are asking the DHA for financial support in the amount of $3,000 for attorney fees. To date, the neighbors have raised $8,000.
- Discussion on Zoning Rewrite Module 1: Proposed changes to Residential and other issues.
Board Only Discussion
- Bill introduced a new board member, Vanessa Shapiro who lives in Dunwoody North.
- A motion is made to give the neighborhoods surrounding Life Center Family Church (above) $5,000 for attorney fees. Motion is unanimously approved.
- Discussion on current donation requests.
- Treasurer’s report from Joe Tuttle.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm. Next board meeting: Sunday, October 7, 2012.