Introductions of distinguished visitors – Adrienne acknowledged State Senator Fran Millar, City Councilmen Terry Nall and John Heneghan.

Introduction of candidates for office – The following candidates spoke. Mike Wilensky, Democrat candidate for State House District 79, Ken Wright, Republican candidate for State House District 79, Sally Harrell, Democrat candidate for State Senate District 40, Fran Millar Republican candidate for State Senate District 40

Announcements – Adrienne announced that DHA is very close to supporting the Grubb development.  She also said she had received phone calls about the Village Townhomes landscaping as well as other issues with it.  The property was sold to Lennard who needed to be reminded of the agreement with DHA. The candidate forum committee is aiming for the forum to be on Oct. 28th.

Approval of August 5, 2018 Minutes – The minutes will be approved at the October meeting.

Funding request for Chesnut Charter School – Jessica Spencer is requesting a donation that will go to funding their Arst Program which is this year’s play. They are asking for $1,000.00.

Sponsorship request for All Fore One Golf and Tennis – Hillary Leyy and Lauren Middlebrooks said that they expanded to add tennis.  We donated $500.00 last year.  They left a sponsorship folder. The event is Monday, Oct. 1st.  The funds will go to capital improvements for DHS.

Funding request for Austin Elementary School – Callie Parker was not in attendance and so this will be on the October Agenda.

Prior to the Public Discussion Rob Wittenstein plugged paying dues.  He said that we donate to all the Public Schools in Dunwoody and give funds to the community.

Public Discussion of Rezoning Application 5318 and 5328 Roberts Drive -  Presentation is by Ethan Underwood, zoning attorney. Kurt Swilly is the property owner and Dean Cowart is the builder. Both men were also in attendance and spoke.  The site is across from the Fire Station and the new Austin Elementary School on Roberts Drive. The property is currently zoned R100 and they are requesting an R50 rezoning for 10 – 12 homes.  If they purchase more property on Roberts that would increase the number of homes from 10-12.  Dean Cowart said they are planning to build traditional homes in Dunwoody style architecture with brick and a variety of siding materials.  They are planning first floor masters as that is the direction the market is taking.  Some of the concerns expressed by residents of Fairfield, Dunwoody Knoll, and Dunwoody Walk concerned the drainage culvert and easement, flooding issues, density, retention pond and traffic.  They are planning to move the drainage system and improve it.  Ethan Underwood said they are looking at an age targeted buyer.  Empty nesters may not impact traffic.  Stacey Harris said that this type of density does not fit in with the surrounding area and the step down from R100 should be R85.  There was also discussion about the age targeted proposal they suggested and most did not think that was the way to go that it should be market driven.  Gerri Penn asked that they mail the Board a Project packet and that she was also concerned about the density and the length of driveways. They would not address flexibility on the density. They were asked about the timing for the project.  If they file in October, it is possible they would be approved by Council in December.  They would then apply for land disturbance permits in early Spring 2019 and then get building permits in Fall 2019.  They are building custom built homes.  Robert Wittenstein asked them if they would consider an underground detention pond and whether they had a buffer plan.  They said the underground detention pond was not feasible as it is too costly.  They will work on a buffer plan.

BOARD ONLY DISCUSSION AND VOTES - We could not vote as we did not have a quorum.

Respectfully submitted by,

Gerri Penn, Recording Secretary
