Jul 9, 2013 | Board Minutes
President Stacey Harris called the meeting to order and welcomed City Councilmen Terry Nall and Doug Thompson; City manager Warren Hutmacher and Bob Mullins, Marketing & PR Director for Dunwoody. June minutes were approved with a minor change submitted by Robert...
Jun 9, 2013 | Board Minutes
City Councilmen John Heneghan and Terry Nall were in attendance and recognized by President Stacey Harris. Minutes for April and May meetings were approved. Steve Dush, Community Development Director for the City of Dunwoody, gave a presentation on the Zoning Code...
May 9, 2013 | Board Minutes
V.P. Heyward Wescott ran the meeting in Ms. Harris’s absence. Heyward recognized State Representative Tom Taylor, City Councilmen Terry Nall and Doug Thompson as attendees of the meeting. Bill Robinson told the board about upcoming Memorial Day ceremonies at Brook...
Apr 9, 2013 | Board Minutes
President Stacey Harris called the meeting to order and welcomed City Councilmen Nall, Thompson and Heneghan to the meeting. March minutes were approved with no changes. John Coleman, our district 1 DCSS board of education representative introduced himself to the...
Mar 9, 2013 | Board Minutes
Stacey Harris welcomed board members and distinguished visitors. Feb. minutes were adopted with one change: capitalize Marta. Stacey announced that new DeKalb School Superintendant Michael Thurmond would not attend tonight; rather he will speak at a DHA sponsored...
Feb 9, 2013 | Board Minutes
Announcements and introduction of distinguished visitors Elected officials attending: Dr. Bonser, Terry Nall, Doug Thompson, John Heneghan, and Denny Shortal, all from the Dunwoody City Council. State Senator Fran Millar and State Representative Tom Taylor Minutes for...