Parade Rules & Regs
All entries and participants, including political entries, are required to follow the rules and regulations set by the Parade Committee and are to conduct themselves in a respectful and lawful manner. Entries and participants are subject to dismissal if behavior is deemed to be inappropriate by a parade official or police officer.
- Special line-up requests may be submitted; however, the parade line-up is organized by the Parade Committee based on parade protocol and for entertainment purposes.
- Pick-up trucks, tractors, and cars are allowed in the parade. Other types of vehicles need an approval from the Parade Committee Throwing candy from a vehicle is not allowed. Trailers with dual rear axels must have wheel covers.
- All motorcycles must be street legal.
- Helmets are required for all riders on a bicycle, skateboard, roller blade or any other type of riding device.
- Motor vehicle drivers must drive the parade route to eliminate gaps and drive in a safe manner.
- Pausing or stopping along the parade route is prohibited
- Air horns or excessive loud sounds are not permitted. Police, Fire, and EMS are exempted.
- Vans or vehicles may not follow a float unless appropriately decorated and approved in advance.
- All entries must be decorated according to the parade theme and/or in an appropriate holiday manner. All entries not designated as a “political entry” must be non-partisan and contain no materials of any kind promoting a candidate or political party.
- Clean-up crews are required for animal entries.
- Walking along side or with an entry is permitted when the walker is part of an entry.
- Adult supervision is required for every child in the parade.
- Selling merchandise or food is not allowed during the parade.
- Acting Elected Officials are welcome to participate in the Dunwoody 4th of July Parade.
- Political parties, Elected Officials (incumbents) running for office as well as candidates are required to register and pay a $500 entry fee. Political entries are to abide by additional procedures found under “Sponsor Opportunities” on this parade website.
The individual making a political entry is responsible for ensuring that all participants in the entry abide by parade rules.
• We agree to hold harmless the Dunwoody Homeowners Association, the Dunwoody 4th of July Committee and its representatives for any damage we may suffer or cause and to secure such a promise from and on behalf of each in our unit
• We agree to be in our assigned position in the formation area at the time instructed and to follow the instructions of parade officials.
• We have read and agree to abide by the rules and regulations provided to us by the Parade Committee and will follow the directions of the parade representatives and police.
The Parade Committee reserves the right to reject any entry not in compliance at any time up through the event itself on July 4. Violation of the rules may be cause to reject entry by the group or person(s) responsible in future parades.