Annual Meeting 2012 Minutes

Bill Grossman called the meeting to order at 2pm Introduction of attending officials and guests by Fran Millar – Tom Taylor, Kathy Gannon, Mike Davis, Denny Shortal, Lynn Deutsch, John Heneghan, Doug Thompson, Terry Nall and Adrian Bonser (arrived late). Molly Portis...

December 2011 Meeting Minutes

Bill Grossman called the meeting to order at 7:33pm. Elected officials in attendance were Fran Millar, John Heneghan and Robert Wittenstein. Danny Kanso and Kathleen Allen presented the Grow Dunwoody program. Grow Dunwoody is an effort to provide a cohesive organic...

November 2011 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:32pm by DHA President Bill Grossman. All candidates were present except Mike Davis. Stacey Harris updated the DHA on the progress of the Austin path re-paving. Bill Grossman updated the membership drive. Minutes from October were...

October 2011 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:30pm. Candidates for mayor introduce themselves – Bob Dallas and Gordon Jackson were present. District 4 – Robert Wittenstein and Rick Callihan were present. Kerry de Vallette was present as well. Stacey Harris asked for a donation...

September 2011 Meeting Minutes

Bill Grossman called meeting to order at 7:33pm. Adrienne Duncan was introduced as a new board member. Bill G acknowledged elected officials in attendance: Adrian Bonser, Doug Thompson, John Heneghan, Robert Wittenstein, and Nancy Jester. Board approved minutes....

August 2011 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order by Bill Grossman at 7:32. Nancy Jester was welcomed to Dunwoody. Terry Nall announced his candidacy for district 1 at large council. Bob Dallas was present to speak on his candidacy for mayor. Motion to approve minutes from July - Jim R., Terry...