August 2007 Meeting Minutes

Approval of Minutes Upon motion and second the July 1 minutes were approved. Announcements Gordon announced that the Dunwoody community is invited to Zaban Park on August 12 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for swimming, food, etc. Annual Jewish Festival is August 26 11 a.m. to...

July 2007 Meeting Minutes

Gordon Jackson opens meeting and moves for approval of June minutes, Grossman seconds and all vote for approval. Gordon welcomes Scouts from Troop 64 who are working on Communications merit badge. Jeffery Priluck DDS tells the Board about the initial showing of the...

June 2007 Meeting Minutes

Selection of Officers Chip Franzoni announced that he is moving from Dunwoody and can no longer serve as President. Al Tiede resigned as Vice President but is staying as an Elected Director. Chip read by-laws for filling a Board Vacancy. Bill Robinson and Nick...

May 2007 Meeting Minutes

Approval of Minutes Upon motion and second, the April 15, 2007, minutes were approved Zoning and Development Perimeter Center --- Woody Galloway / GID 36 acres at Hammond Drive and Perimeter Center Parkway--GID would like to build a pedestrian oriented, mixed-use...

April 2007 Meeting Minutes

Approval of Minutes Upon motion and second, the March 4, 2007, minutes were approved. DeKalb County Fire Rescue Department – Chief David Foster & Battalion One Chief Bennie Joe Paige DHA was updated on Fire and Rescue Services for DeKalb County. There are 860...

March 2007 Meeting Minutes

Approval of Minutes Upon motion and second, the February 11, 2007 minutes were approved. Friends of DeKalb Education III—Cindy Anderson and Bob Chambers Splost III referendum is March 20. The website is and information for upcoming vote is on the...