Jul 9, 2011 | Board Minutes
Call to Order: 7:30 pm by Bill Grossman Announcements: *Bill introduced Jim Redovian as the newest board member. Political Candidates (all were allowed a brief overview of their key initiatives): *Mayoral: Bob Dallas, James Sibold and Mike Davis *City Council: Terry...
Jun 9, 2011 | Board Minutes
Bill G. called meeting to order at 7:31pm. Currently 11 members present. Bob Dallas introduced himself as candidate for mayor of Dunwoody. Jamie Sibold announced he is putting together a committee to explore whether or not to run for mayor. Motion to approve minutes...
Apr 9, 2011 | Board Minutes
DHA meeting 14 board members present Motion to accept minutes from March meeting – Jean Williams, Bill Robinson second. Brent Walker from City of Dunwoody presented the current park plan. Spoke on the relationship b/w Dunwoody Park and Brook Run. Plan was done as a...
Mar 9, 2011 | Board Minutes
President Bill Grossman welcomed Board Members and visitors President Bill Grossman welcomed new Board Member Terry Nall New Plans for Chick-fil-A is not yet available for review Application for new zoning for Texaco Service Station at corner of North Peachtree Rd and...
Feb 9, 2011 | Board Minutes
President Bill Grossman welcomed Board Members and visitors. Terry Nall, representing Vernon North, let the board know that, on a technicality, the subdivision won its lawsuit against the Goddard School. Terry thanked the DHA for contributing $2,500 towards its...
Jan 9, 2011 | Board Minutes
Bill Grossman, President, called the meeting to order at 2 p.m. He introduced State Senator Fran Millar who then introduced elected officials in attendance. After recognizing DHA Board, he presented the Business of the Year award to Brett Cavalli, general manager of...