March 2009 Meeting Minutes

Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed Board Members and visitors. Minutes from last meeting approved. Due to Spring Break recess next meeting will be March 29 No zoning or development issues discussed. PCMS Sign – Michael Culver and Bruce...

February 2009 Meeting Minutes

Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed Board Members and visitors. Announcements - Gerri Penn announced the upcoming Dunwoody North General Meeting on February, 17, 2009 at 7 PM with guest speakers Warren Hutmacher, City Manager for the...

Annual Meeting 2009 Minutes

Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone and introduced the Board. Gordon gave a power point presentation that gave examples of the many roles that DHA plays in our community from recreational and entertainment events, code...

December 2008 Meeting Minutes

Gordon Jackson, president, called the meeting to order and welcomed board members and visitors. ANNOUNCEMENTS Kent Brook, who lives on Windhaven Ct., was the spokesperson for immediate neighbors to the new 4th-5th Academy who have some concerns that they would like...

November 2008 Meeting Minutes

Announcements Fran Millar announced that Wednesday there will be a community meeting regarding the 4th/5th grade school at DHS 6pm Candidates Tom Stubbs and Larry Danese introduced themselves Approval of Minutes Upon motion and second the September 7 and October 5...

October 2008 Meeting Minutes

Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed board members and visitors. Gordon acknowledged the elected officials present, John Heneghan, Doug MacGinnitie, and Fran Millar. Al Tiede congratulated Gordon on his son becoming an Eagle Scout. Tom...