April 2019 Meeting Minutes

PUBLIC MEETING Announcements and Introductions of Distinguished Visitors Adrienne acknowledged DeKalb County Commissioner Nancy Jester and Dunwoody City Councilman Tom Lambert. Minutes  The Minutes from March 10, 2019 were approved unanimously with a motion from Su...

February 2019 Meeting Minutes

Note:  This meeting was a special presentation by GDOT regarding the expansion of I-285 and GA400 freeways. Due to the impact on residential subdivisions, the room was SRO and difficult to follow for the purpose of written minutes. The meeting was live streamed via...

Annual Meeting 2019 Minutes

DUNWOODY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING – DUNWOODY NATURE CENTER JANUARY 13, 2019 Adrienne Duncan, President, caller the meeting to order.  She introduced Mike Cowan, the Director of the Dunwoody Nature Center.  He welcomed all in attendance in their new...

January 2019 Meeting Minutes

DUNWOODY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION REDELOPMENT PRESENTATION AND SPECIAL CALLED BOARD MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 2019 PUBLIC MEETING Announcements and Introductions Adrienne announced that originally this was supposed to be a Board Only Special Called meeting but Branch...

December 2018 Meeting Minutes

PUBLIC MEETING Announcements and introductions of distinguished visitors –  State Senator Fran Millar, State Representative Tom Taylor, and City Councilmen Terry Nall and John Heneghan were in attendance. Light Up Dunwoody Adrienne announced that this year’s Light Up...

September 2018 Meeting Minutes

PUBLIC MEETING Introductions of distinguished visitors – Adrienne acknowledged State Senator Fran Millar, City Councilmen Terry Nall and John Heneghan. Introduction of candidates for office – The following candidates spoke. Mike Wilensky, Democrat candidate for State...