April 2015 Meeting Minutes

Announcements and introduction of distinguished visitors John Heneghan, Terry Nall, Denny Shortal, Doug Thompson and Lee May Approval of minutes for March 1, 2015 meeting—Joe Tuttle Joe motioned to approve, Dennis C. seconded…unanimous Update on the DVP Condo project...

March 2015 Meeting Minutes

Announcements and introduction of distinguished visitors Fran Millar, Nancy Jester, Terry Nall, Doug Thompson Approval of minutes for February 8, 2015 meeting: Motioned approved unanimously. Update on closing the office: Robert thanked the board members who helped...

February 2015 Meeting Minutes

Announcements and introduction of distinguished visitors   Introduction of new board members: Bob Barnwell and Jim Maloney Dunwoody Village Parkway townhomes – Cypress Communities, Carl Westmoreland Cypress returned with nine concessions from working with...

December 2014 Meeting Minutes

Announcements and introduction of distinguished visitors. Approval of minutes for November 2014: B. Robinson motioned to approve, G. Penn seconded. All Saints project– Andrew Halloran The church presented their master plan of raising the current sanctuary and...

November 2014 Meeting Minutes

Approval of minutes for October 2014: Unanimous First Motion: Bill Robinson, Second: Gerri Penn Dunwoody Convention and Visitors Bureau – Katie Bishop Katie delivered her annual report: *1mm annual budget, DCVB receives 2% or 5% Hotel tax. *Hotel occupancy weekdays...

October 2014 Meeting Minutes

Approval of minutes for June 2014: Unanimous approval DHA Board appointee – Jeff Rosen Jeff was introduced and welcomed as DHA’s newest board member. DeKalb County District 1 Candidate Forum: All five candidates were present, Stacey moderated the panel. Update on City...