Board Meeting Archive
Minutes are taken by the Secretary or other exec board member at every DHA meeting.
The records are placed here as a time capsule of Dunwoody's history through the eyes of the involved residents: what issues were considered important, what needed action, who had an idea and how it was carried out.
Older records, representing the first 30 years of the DHA are actively being recovered and digitized for this project.
September 2008 Meeting Minutes
Gordon Jackson, president, called the meeting to order and welcomed board members and visitors....
August 2008 Meeting Minutes
Gordon Jackson, president, called the meeting to order and welcomed board members and visitors....
July 2008 Meeting Minutes
Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order. The motion was made to accept the minutes...
June 2008 Meeting Minutes
Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order and welcomed Board members and visitors....
May 2008 Meeting Minutes
Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order. The motion was made to accept the minutes...
April 2008 Meeting Minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS Jan Akers informed everyone about the Dunwoody United Methodist Church’s 50 Plus...
March 2008 Meeting Minutes
Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order. Bill Robinson announced the Dunwoody Stage...
February 2008 Meeting Minutes
Gordon Jackson, President, called the meeting to order. There were no general announcements. The...
Annual Meeting 2008 Minutes
Gordon Jackson, President, called the DHA Annual Meeting to order. Fran Millar recognized invited...
December 2007 Meeting Minutes
Gordon introduced new Sandy Springs District 1 Representative Doug MacGinnitie. Motion to approve...
October 2007 Meeting Minutes
Gordon Jackson, President, welcomed all Board members, Police Department, and Chateau Woods...
September 2007 Meeting Minutes
Gordon Jackson, President, welcomed all Board members and visitors and called the meeting to...
August 2007 Meeting Minutes
Approval of Minutes Upon motion and second the July 1 minutes were approved. Announcements Gordon...
July 2007 Meeting Minutes
Gordon Jackson opens meeting and moves for approval of June minutes, Grossman seconds and all vote...
June 2007 Meeting Minutes
Selection of Officers Chip Franzoni announced that he is moving from Dunwoody and can no longer...
May 2007 Meeting Minutes
Approval of Minutes Upon motion and second, the April 15, 2007, minutes were approved Zoning and...
April 2007 Meeting Minutes
Approval of Minutes Upon motion and second, the March 4, 2007, minutes were approved. DeKalb...
March 2007 Meeting Minutes
Approval of Minutes Upon motion and second, the February 11, 2007 minutes were approved. Friends...
February 2007 Meeting Minutes
1. Approval of Minutes Upon motion and second, the December 3, 2006 minutes were approved. 2....
December 2006 Meeting MInutes
1. Upon motion, the minutes of the November meeting were approved by the Board. 2. Community...